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1. Encourage people to take photographs in art galleries without flash, with available light, without a tripod and without annoying other visitors.
2. License people to take photographs in art galleries and collect their eMAIL address and street address for marketing purposes.
3. Inform people who wish to take photographs in art galleries about how they can use their images and under what conditions.
4. Reward people who take/make interesting/challenging images in art galleries with something that brings them back with friends.
5. Publish the images that people take/make in art galleries on the museum's/art gallery's walls and Website plus elsewhere – postcards, posters, eBOOKS, etc.
6. Engage the people who take photographs in art galleries in museum/gallery projects – both in the galleries and elsewhere.
7. Enlist people to take/make images in art galleries as CITIZENcritics and cultural commentators via social networking.
8. Enable the people who engage in IMAGEmaking in art galleries on the museum's/art gallery's to become associate and adjunct researchers and CITIZENcurators attached to the museum/gallery.
9. Encourage the institution's guides/guards to actively assist people who wish to take/make images in art galleries.
10. Facilitate the IMAGEmaking in art galleries on the museum's/art gallery's by allowing people who wish to, to do so after hours under supervision.
11. Proactively advertise the institution's inclusive policy towards photography and IMAGEmaking in the museum/gallery.
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